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Berber Carpet
The popularity of berber carpet has risen greatly over the last decade. It was mainly used for offices and basements, but berber carpeting now has more use in more formal areas such a living rooms and bedrooms. When you get a professional carpet installation from The Carpet Guys, your new carpeting will be admired by many of your visitors.
Why Have Berber Installed?
Prior to the year of 1985, berber was mainly constructed of nylon fiber with beige tones. The lighter colors required more cleaning, but they wore very well. Then came along olefin. Olefin is good at resisting all types of stains with the exception of oil-based ones. It does have a common tendency to flatten, so it is important to understand carpet construction before purchasing.
There are multiple reasons and benefits of berber carpeting that has made it a lasting impression on the flooring industry:
- Berber carpet comes with a rather inexpensive cost. It is made from olefin fiber, which comes at a better cost than other types of fiber. It is also made in a looped style which increases the durability of the carpeting. So you get a durable and great carpet for a cheap price.
- Maintenance comes quite easy with berber style carpeting. Due to the looped construction, spills tend to sit on top of the pile. So if you get to them quickly, you may be able to prevent them from sinking into the material. And thanks to the flecked look and colors berber comes with, it is good at hiding dirt and other things that a vacuum does not pick up. This way, if an accident does occur, you will not have to worry to much about it being seen.
The only concern that should be taken into consideration is if you have pets. It is very easy for pets claws to snag in the loops of the carpet. Cats will tend to pull out the loops pf the carpet, giving it an unruly and sloppy look. To protect the well-being of your pets (if you are a pet owner), make sure to look into this before you make a final purchase if you have pets.