What makes a True Frieze Carpet?

Posted on: December 8th, 2016 by The Carpet Guys

true frieze carpet for sale

Trackless or textured carpets are often mistaken as a “true frieze” by many homeowners.

Look close enough, and you can to tell if the carpeting can be considered a true frieze.

All you need to know is what a true frieze looks like, and we’re here to help you out.

How to identify a True Frieze

When looking at a true frieze, the first thing you’ll notice is the high twist level of the carpet fibers. Each tuft has a twist rate of seven to nine twists per inch of carpet fiber. When the tufts kink back on themselves, this gives true frieze carpet a distinct curled appearance. Most other carpets only have about three to five twists.

You can also tell the difference between textured carpet and true frieze by the price. Most frieze may be a little more expensive than trackless carpeting. You may be paying a little extra for it, but the flooring performance is well worth the price.

Textured carpet uses a similar approach to achieve the same appearance. Yarn is pushed into a stuffer box and steam is then injected into the box. This process causes the yarn to crimp and orient in different directions.

Some of these carpets can be a little less pricey compared to a true frieze, but isn’t guaranteed to last as long. Many carpet and flooring dealers tend to carry at least twenty trackless carpet styles for every true frieze.

what does true frieze carpet mean

If you’re interested in frieze carpet, we’re not surprised. There are a lot of benefits that comes with this style of carpet. All you need is a professional company to handle the installation for you.

Book a Free Carpet Consultation Today!

Here at The Carpet Guys, you will find the best frieze carpet products available. We have the most trendy and popular frieze carpet styles from leading manufacturers waiting for you to check them out.

Want to make buying new frieze carpet easy on yourself? Pick up the phone and give us a call. We will get your free in-home carpet estimate scheduled right away.

During your estimate, we will bring out a multitude of samples for you to view in the comfort of your own home. It’s like the store comes straight to your door!

On top of that, you’ll have access to customer exclusives like:

  • Premium carpet padding
  • Next-day installation
  • Easy Financing Plans
  • Expert craftsmanship and installations
  • Much more!

It doesn’t get any better than that.

frieze carpet estimate

Give us a call and get your free estimate scheduled today.

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