The square foot calculator is helpful because it estimates the square footage of a room in several common shapes. Even if the surface is complex in shape, it may be possible to section the surface into simple shapes and add their square footages together. This is a necessary tool to get the correct measurement to get the right amount of materials for your project.
Using Our Square Foot Calculator
The two measurements you will need are the length of the room and the width of the room. When you are measuring the length be sure to measure the longest side of the area being measured. To find the width, locate the shortest side of the area to be measured. Here is the calculator.
The square foot calculator is a basic measuring tool however, we understand that not all rooms have a simple measurement. Sometimes you will have to account for odd room dimensions and additional areas that do not necessarily connect neatly. What you will want to do is divide the space into smaller sections. Measure each section separately and then use the square foot calculator to calculate the footage of each. Once you have completed all your measurements and calculated them , add up the total square footage.
For example: Say you have a rectangular room with a small square nook or closet attached to it.
Find the length and width of each section
Main room: 12 ft. x 10ft. = 120 sq. ft.
Nook/closet: 3 ft. x 7 ft. = 21 sq. ft.
Then, add the three values together to get the total square footage you’ll need!
Total: 141 sq. ft. of materials
The square foot calculator is a great tool for when you are short on time and ensure that you will have enough material to get the project done! The Square foot calculator is a perfect tool to use to get a rough estimate on your potential product. We will give you a free in home estimate and professional measurement for your new flooring project. As always remember to call The Carpet Guys at 855-4-MY-GUYS for all your flooring needs! The Carpet Guys offer a FREE Lifetime Installation Warranty. This peace of mind can not be matched by any big box competitor who offer limited 30 to 90 day warranties. Shop at ease and be wise and call The Carpet Guys.