What Should I do if I Spill a Drink on My Carpet?

Posted on: June 11th, 2018 by The Carpet Guys

spilled water on carpet now it smells

Unless you drink only from Sippy cups similar to the ones toddlers use, anyone that ever picked up a glass filled with liquid probably has spilled a drink on his or her carpet at some point or another.

If you spilled water on your carpet, no harm no foul. But if you spill soda pop, wine, dark liquor, or Kool-Aid, well, you may have a serious problem on your hands. So, what should you do if you spill a drink on your carpet?

Before we answer that question, let’s start with what you shouldn’t do if you spill a drink on your carpet. Most people’s first instinct when they spill a drink on their carpet is to grab the closest towel, rag, or t-shirt in the vicinity to try to soak up the liquid; this is a mistake.

how can i get wine out of my carpet

The correct approach to cleaning a spilled drink on your carpet is to find a clean, white towel, or a roll of paper towel that doesn’t have any sort of design printed on the absorbent material. Place the towel directly over the spilled drink, and gently blot (don’t rub; rubbing is bad) the spill until all the liquid is absorbed. (Depending on the amount of liquid on your carpet, you may need to repeat the blotting process multiple times and use multiple clean towels.)

Another thing you shouldn’t do when attempting to clean a spilled drink from your carpet is to soak it with a cleaning agent. Some of the chemicals in carpet fibers may cause permanent damage to your carpet’s delicate yarns.

If blotting the spill doesn’t remove the stain out of the carpet, contact a professional carpet cleaner. If having your carpet professionally cleaned doesn’t do the trick, you could try to use an area rug, a piece of furniture, or a houseplant to hide the stain from view.

In some instances, placing something over the stain to obscure it from view may not be practical. When all else fails, you will need to have your carpet replaced by a professional flooring company.

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If you live in Southeast Michigan and you need new carpet, laminate, hardwood, luxury vinyl plank, or engineered hardwood flooring, contact The Carpet Guys to schedule a free in-home estimate from one of our design consultants.

We will take all the necessary measurements and bring a fantastic selection of products, styles, and colors for you to choose from, right in the comfort and privacy of your home. If you’d like to schedule a free in-home estimate from The Carpet Guys, contact us at (248) 409-5359.

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