How to Remove Carpet Divots and Revive Flattened Carpet Fibers

Posted on: September 27th, 2018 by The Carpet Guys

how to prevent carpet dents

There’s nothing worse than lifting up your couch or chair to find huge indents in your carpet fiber, especially if it’s relatively new.

Ok, maybe there are worse things, but when your carpet has gone flat, it’s definitely annoying and ugly looking. If only there was a way to fix it…

Well, you’re in luck. There is a way to help revive matted carpet fibers, and we’re going to tell you how.

How to Restore Matted Carpet

The flattening of fibers, also known as carpet matting, occurs when a piece of furniture sits in one spot for quite some time. The legs of the furniture press down on the fibers and cause a dip or indent over time.

Fiber crushing is a common carpet problem, so we guarantee you’re not the only one dealing with it. If you don’t routinely maintain your carpet, there is a chance that it could happen faster. With that being said, there are three ways we’ve seen work when it comes to reviving flattened carpet fiber. These methods are:

  • Ice cubes and a stiff brush (or coin)
  • Damp cloth and iron
  • Baking soda and vinegar

Please consult your carpet and flooring dealer you worked with before you try any home remedies. If you accidentally damage your carpeting, you risk voiding your warranties or any coverage with the product you purchased and take full responsibility.

Removing Carpet Divots with an Ice Cube

If you’re dealing with small carpet indentations, ice cubes may be your saving grace.

Simply grab an ice cube out of the freezer and place it on the indent. Let it melt and massage the fibers back up with a stiff brush or the side of a quarter.

Removing Carpet Dents with an Iron and Damp Cloth

For larger areas affected by carpet matting, try a damp white cloth and a household iron.

Moisten the cloth and place it over the affected area. Make sure to only dampen the cloth, not soak it full of water. Place a semi-hot iron on top of the cloth for a couple seconds and see if it picks the fibers back up.

If the cloth you’re using starts to dry out, go get it damp again. Also, never let the hot iron touch your actual carpet. You’ll find yourself with a nice burn spot on your beautiful carpeting.

how to prevent carpet divots

Baking Soda and Vinegar Remedy

Some cleaning companies have said that baking soda and vinegar works well at reviving carpet fibers, so we will include it. Once again, make sure to consult your carpet provider before you attempt this.

Sprinkle a small amount of baking soda on the matted area and work it in the fibers with a stiff brush and let it sit overnight. Make sure not to brush too hard and ruin the fiber.

Vacuum the area the next day and spray a delicate amount of an equal part vinegar and water mixture on the affected area. Take your brush and try to raise the fibers back up again.

cleaning carpet with vinegar

How to Prevent Carpet Indents

By preventing carpet divots from forming, you won’t have to do any of these methods we covered. Keeping dents from forming in carpeting can be done easily with three simple habits:

  1. Re-arrange your furniture set up on a routine basis, even if it’s moved by a few inches.
  2. Place an area rug on your carpeting where your home experiences heavy foot traffic.
  3. Purchase high-quality carpet products with a decent dense pile.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to consult your local flooring dealer for their advice. If the above methods are not helping and your carpet refuses to look like new, it may be time to consider replacing your carpet soon.

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