The Carpet Guys Blog

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Top 5 Things to Do Before Selling Your Home

Posted on: May 10th, 2021 by The Carpet Guys
tips for selling your house

Summer is here and real estate is booming.  Read on to find out what are the most important things to do before selling your home.  It will maximize your resale value and minimize the strain on your wallet so you can put more into the new home of your dreams.


How to Move Furniture on Carpet

Posted on: May 3rd, 2021 by The Carpet Guys
blog banner move furniture

If you’re wondering how to move furniture on carpet; The Carpet Guys have a trick for you!  Read on to learn tricks of the trade for protecting your carpet from moving furniture.


Can you put Laminate Flooring in a Bathroom?

Posted on: April 26th, 2021 by The Carpet Guys
best flooring for your bathroom

If you plan on installing laminate flooring in your bathroom, you may want to explore a few more options before making a final decision. Laminate flooring, though it is water resistant, it is not waterproof.

If you desire a look of wood or tile that works well with water, then we recommend Luxury Vinyl Plank or Luxury Vinyl Tile. Read on to learn why we don’t recommend installing laminate in a bathroom.


Which Laminate Flooring is Best for Kitchens?

Posted on: April 19th, 2021 by The Carpet Guys
laminate flooring for kitchens

In the past year, we have spent more time at home than we have in decades.  The flooring in your home needs to withstand the impact from additional wear and tear.  The rooms most often used during the pandemic were kitchens and bathrooms.  So, one of our most asked questions now is which laminate flooring is best for kitchens?


How to Prevent Scratching your Hardwood Flooring

Posted on: April 12th, 2021 by The Carpet Guys

Since hardwood flooring is so luxurious (and expensive), it’s important to learn how to prevent scratching hardwood floors.

Hardwood flooring is known as the creme of the crop flooring product. No hardwood owner wants their floors to look worn.

Thankfully, there are a few ways to keep your hardwood floors from scratching.


Why Choose Berber Carpet?

Posted on: April 5th, 2021 by The Carpet Guys
Why choose Berber Carpet blog

When an appointment is set for a Free In-Home Estimate with The Carpet Guys, we send a Design Consultant to your home with our showroom of samples.  After a discussion of your family’s daily routine, the Design Consultant will ascertain what the best flooring will be.  Some circumstances recommend a Berber style carpet.  Read on to find out more about what Berber carpet is.


Flooring with a Name

Posted on: March 29th, 2021 by The Carpet Guys

After Covid-19 lock down, so many small businesses couldn’t survive the strain on income.  Now that competition has risen, companies realize the importance of their name and what it stands for.  The Carpet Guys strive to be #1 in all things flooring and we carry some of the best flooring names in the business.  Check out these beautiful styles in your favorite names.


Good, Better, and Best

Posted on: March 22nd, 2021 by The Carpet Guys
good better and best flooring

In the carpet and flooring industry, it’s natural that some products will perform better than others.

The “Good, Better, Best” formula is an efficient way to gauge how the carpet you want will look and perform. Why settle for good flooring when you can have the best? The Carpet Guys want to explain how to assess what type of flooring you’re looking for.


Why Local Businesses are Important:

Posted on: March 15th, 2021 by The Carpet Guys

And the Top 5 Ways to Support Them

Why local businesses are important blog banner

It’s always been a good idea to support local businesses.  Now, during these uncertain times coming out of a pandemic, it’s even more meaningful to support local businesses.  As a local southeast Michigan company ourselves, The Carpet Guys want to help our customers understand why local businesses are important.



Posted on: March 8th, 2021 by The Carpet Guys

And Home Improvement

win a vacation

In the past when your significant other or co-worker says, “I need a vacation!” You laugh and tell them they should go!  Then life happens and the vacation doesn’t.  You’re saving money for the kids college education or for those home renovations that need to be done.  How would you afford to do all that AND go on a cruise?  The Carpet Guys have the answer!

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