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Labor Day Flooring Sales

Posted on: August 30th, 2021 by The Carpet Guys
labor day flooring deals

Labor Day flooring sales are important to find. Because the Holiday season is almost here, it’s important to get your flooring installation scheduled.  These challenging times have made it even more important to find great money saving deals.  Check out our special holiday low prices at The Carpet Guys.


She Shed Ideas

Posted on: August 23rd, 2021 by The Carpet Guys
flooring for a she shed

When it comes to She Shed ideas, there is no shortage.  In a world where gender specific lines are becoming blurrier, the She Shed is the natural progression after the Man Cave.  The space doesn’t have to be limited to sports or hunting.  And it’s possible to set up a “She Shed” type space, just about anywhere.  The Carpet Guys have brought together some suggestions for how to make this one-of-a-kind space all your own.


Man Cave Ideas

Posted on: August 16th, 2021 by The Carpet Guys
best flooring for you man-cave

Men and women alike are looking for great man cave ideas. It’s important for everyone in the home to have a space they can retreat to for comfort and relaxation. Even if it’s just to watch different T.V. shows, a man cave is a great idea!

There are many ways to trick out a man cave, and designing the space is half the fun of having it. Depending on your style preferences, designing a man cave can come with endless possibilities.


Why Do Floors Creak

Posted on: August 9th, 2021 by The Carpet Guys
how to fix creaking floors

If you’re wondering why do floors creak, we can help.  It doesn’t matter if you have carpet, hardwood or vinyl, all floors may creak at some point.  There are a few reasons why this happens.  We will cover some of them here.  Read on to find out more.


Back to School Sales

Posted on: August 2nd, 2021 by The Carpet Guys
back to school flooring deals

This August or early September most children will be returning to in-person schooling.  After having kids home for over a year due to the pandemic, your home’s flooring needs to be replaced.  What better time than August to schedule your flooring replacement?!  Check out The Carpet Guys Back to School Sales.


Made in the USA

Posted on: July 26th, 2021 by The Carpet Guys
flooring products made in the USA

On the heels of the United States 245th birthday, there’s a feeling of American unity and strength.  The pandemic made us realize just how self sufficient our country needs to be.  What better way to help support the economic regrowth of our country than to buy American-made goods and services?!  The Carpet Guys can help supply some of the best flooring products made in the USA.


Flood Damaged Carpet

Posted on: July 19th, 2021 by The Carpet Guys
damaged carpet from flood

There are things that can be done when dealing with flood damaged carpet.  Whether it is cleaned, repaired or replaced, let The Carpet Guys help.  Here are some suggestions of how to deal with your carpet after the recent stream of rainstorms that is plaguing the state of Michigan.


Why Does My Floor Look Different After it’s Installed

Posted on: July 12th, 2021 by The Carpet Guys
Why Does My Floor Look Different After it's Installed

Why does my floor look different after it’s installed?  A common question our Design Consultants receive after a customer has had an installation.  “The color is different.” “It’s too light.”  “It’s too dark.” And many more specifics.  The Carpet Guys can help explain why this happens.



Posted on: May 31st, 2021 by The Carpet Guys
lifetime installation warranty for flooring

Did you know that all flooring comes with a warranty?  If you want to maintain that warranty, there are instructions to follow to keep it intact.  Read on to find out how The Carpet Guys give you access to that information.


Will Laminate Increase Home Value

Posted on: May 18th, 2021 by The Carpet Guys
high-quality laminate flooring

During the spring, while homes are selling, people wonder will laminate increase home value?  The Carpet Guys want to help you understand the importance of flooring choices when installing for resale value in the home.

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