Break-a-leg, or not! Ask about Non-slip Carpet Options

Posted on: August 8th, 2016 by The Carpet Guys

If you have toddlers or seniors in your home, we know slips and falls have you concerned. Did you know that carpeting can help reduce that risk?

It’s true. Many people look for that special no-slip carpet on a daily basis. The great thing about it is that almost all carpet can aid people at risk of falling.

Take a look.

Slip Prevention and Carpet

It seems like an obvious fact, but many people don’t know how beneficial carpeting can be for falling. Carpet doesn’t just cushion our footsteps. It reduces several chances of slips and falls and softens the landing when a fall does happen. For homes that have young toddlers and senior citizens, this is important.

Nursing homes are a great example of this. 40% of nursing home residents experience falling regularly. 10 to 20% of those falls result in injury ranging from simple bruising to broken bones.

Imagine that happening to someone who doesn’t have any health care. The hospital bills would shoot through the roof.

Thankfully, carpet comes in to save the day. Getting a thick and fluffy carpet with premium non-slip carpet pad will be a huge help when falls happen.

no slip carpeting

We aren’t saying that it’s a perfect solution, but installing new carpet is definitely cheaper than paying multiple hospital bills.

Reducing Injury on the Stairs

The worst area in the home to slip is on the stairs. Having wood flooring on staircases is a popular trend right now, but it isn’t the safest. You’d think putting non-slip carpet stair treads would be the end of it. Sadly, that isn’t how it works.

Kim R. McCormick, a writer for, asked her following, “I know that some people think wood stairs are just as slippery (as carpet). What’s your feeling on carpeted versus wooden stairs?”

As we thought, most of them sided with the option to buy carpet as the safer route. Take a look at some of the reviews her readers wrote:

“I’ve fallen down plenty of times on carpet, mostly from missing a step altogether or fumbling my walking, but I’ve never actually slipped on carpet. Wood floors, on the other hand, tend to create problems for me almost every day. Imagine carrying a fidgeting pet while navigating a flight of wood stairs!” – Pi.

“Wooden stairs probably contribute to more broken hips and elbows and fractures than you can imagine. Nothing like smooth bare wood to give you a nice runway landing from your stairs. I don’t see anyway carpeting could make you slip unless it is installed poorly and coming loose?” – dontoearth.

“Get rid of the stairs!!!” –

best stair carpet

As you can see, wood floors are associated to slipping by many people. It all comes down to your personal preference in the end, though.

If you’re worried about the steps, you’ll probably be looking for the best non-slip stair carpet. Keep reading first.

Keep your Family Safe with The Carpet Guys

Now, hold on one second. Before you blow through websites looking for the perfect no-slip carpet, take a second to relax. We’re here to help.

At The Carpet Guys, our first priority is you and your family. We want to make sure that you are taken care of with the utmost respect and attention. That’s the great thing about us; we pay attention to every detail of each project.

Whatever your lifestyle may be, we have carpeting that will be the perfect fit and give you the protection you require.

If you want to see all of the carpeting available to you, scheduling a free in-home carpet estimate is the best way to do it. We will bring a variety of samples straight to your door. If you have specifications, we will bring out samples related to those specifics as well.

Whatever flooring situation you have, we will do whatever it takes to provide with the services you need. Give us a call and book your free estimate today.

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