How to Move Furniture on Carpet

Posted on: May 3rd, 2021 by The Carpet Guys
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If you’re wondering how to move furniture on carpet; The Carpet Guys have a trick for you!  Read on to learn tricks of the trade for protecting your carpet from moving furniture.

Move Furniture to Protect from Crushing Carpet Fibers

best way to move furniture on carpet

To maintain your warranty on your newly installed carpet, the manufacturer requires you to vacuum weekly with a certified vacuum cleaner (List of Certified Vacuum Cleaners by the Carpet and Rug Institute) and have it professionally cleaned once every 12-18 months.  This will keep your carpet plush and looking new for years to come.  We also recommend that you change where your furniture sits in the room about every 6 months.  Furniture feet crush the carpet it sits on and over time, it’s hard to bring that carpet back to life.  If you can’t move the furniture to a new location, you can shift the piece two inches to the left or right.  This will allow the previous location to raise back up during vacuuming.

Don’t Slide the Furniture Feet Across Your Carpet

furniture sliders

When you’re ready to move the furniture, make sure not to slide unprotected furniture feet across the carpet.  Because of sharp edges on most furniture, it may snag the carpet fiber.  Once pulled, that fiber may begin to “run” causing the fiber to pull through other fibers.  This would give the appearance in your flooring like a snag or “run” in pantyhose. 

furniture moving tips

There is an old invention that has been improved upon for sliding furniture safely across carpet.  They are called Sliders.  It’s a heavy-duty plastic disk, approximately the size of a coaster, that is smooth on one side and has foam on the other.  You gently lift one leg of the furniture piece to be moved and place the furniture foot onto the foam side of the disk.  Once you have a disk under each foot, you can easily slide the furniture around the room to reposition.  There are long, oval shaped ones for dressers or desks that have a solid panel instead of feet, as well.

If you need to move furniture across hardwood or other hard surface flooring, you can purchase a “sock” to put onto the disks so you can still easily slide the furniture across the floor without risk of scratching it.

Check out these Sliders & Socks on Amazon for moving your furniture on hard surface flooring.

If you are in need of new flooring, The Carpet Guys will go one step further, we will move your furniture for you!  If you set up a Free In-Home Estimate Online or call 855-4-MY-GUYS (855-469-4897), our professional Design Consultant will bring our showroom samples to your home and can explain everything The Carpet Guys do for you during installation, including moving your furniture for you. Call Today!

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