How to Fix Squeaky Floors

Posted on: November 7th, 2019 by The Carpet Guys
squeaky floor repair

There are several ways to fix an old floor that squeaks.  Need to know how to fix your squeaky floor? Here are the best tips from The Carpet Guys.

Unfinished Space Below the Squeaky Floor

If your space is unfinished, you have several options for fixing the squeaky floor.  *Before beginning any flooring remodeling project, be sure to check with your flooring manufacturer’s warranty to make sure you don’t void your warranty.

  1. Insert screws into the subfloor, between the joists if the squeak is coming from between the subfloor and your flooring surface.  This will tie the space between the two together eliminating the noise.
  2. If you can see a gap between the joist and the subfloor, insert screws at an angle into the joist and through the subfloor.  The screw will tighten that gap and get rid of any creaking.
  3. If the sound is coming from missed nails that are rubbing on the joists, cut those with bolt cutters.  This will be a higher-pitched squeak on the floor than if it is a gap between two wooden surfaces.
  4. Use a 2” x 4” nailed to the subfloor and then to the joist to offer more stability and close any gaps that may have occurred.
  5. Use construction adhesive on a shim and spread between the two wooden surfaces.  Once dried, it will also provide more stability to that open space.  Be sure not to use too much adhesive or it will cause other problems.

Finished Space Below the Squeaky Floor

  1. Use WD-40 and spread between the cracks of your hard surface floor.  This will help lubricate the spaces between and eliminate a squeaking floor.  After you have allowed the lubricant to penetrate the cracks, use a dry towel to wipe up the excess.  Then, use a wood floor cleaner to clean up the WD-40 from the surface of the wood.
  2. Use graphite or talc powder between the boards.  Sprinkle between the cracks in the noisy area. Cover with a piece of paper so you don’t spread the powder around the room. Step on the area to force the powder into the spaces.  When finished, vacuum the remaining powder off the floor.
  3. Use a tool called “Squeeeek No More” and drive the special “breakaway” screws into the surface of your flooring.  The screw will break off just below the surface of your squeaky floor, so you don’t have screw heads showing.  Use wood filler or wax to fill the holes left behind if it is a hard surface flooring. Holes will not show on carpeted surfaces.
Master bedroom without squeaky floors that The Carpet Guys installed: Anderson Hardwood, Benina Maple, Castello.
Master bedroom in Anderson Hardwood, Bernina Maple, Castello

Replace Your Old Flooring

If putting holes in your floors or smelling WD-40 every time you step is not an option, then let The Carpet Guys replace your old, squeaky floors for new fresh flooring.  Our expert installers can install carpet, vinyl, laminate or hardwood. Not only will you have a quieter floor, but a beautiful new floor to enhance your life.  Be Wise, Call The Carpet Guys at 855-4-MY-GUYS (855-469-4897) or fill out our Free In-Home Estimate form and one of our friendly sales support staff will give you a call.

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