To All You Father’s Out There…

Posted on: June 14th, 2018 by The Carpet Guys

father wishes

It’s not easy being a Dad, and The Carpet Guys appreciate everything that a father does for the family.

With Father’s Day approaching and in honor of all the father’s out there, we’re sharing a few facts about Father’s Day that you may not know about.

1. Father’s Day was Started by a Woman

You read that right. Father’s Day originated on June 19th, 1910 by a lady named Sonora Smart Dodd.

One of six and raised by a single father, Dodd visited multiple organizations like the YMCA and local churches to gather support for her idea. As we can see over a hundred years later, she was successful.

The holiday continued to spread and received its official celebratory date on every third Sunday of June.

international fathers day

2. Not All Men Supported Father’s Day

There were some men who believed the holiday was an excuse to try and domesticate manliness and a gimmick to increase marketing sales tactics.

In the 1920’s and 1930’s, people came together in an attempt to stop both Father’s Day and Mother’s Day altogether. Their preferred holiday would be known as Parent’s Day.

Unfortunately for them, the Great Depression derailed their efforts as struggling retailers desired to use Father’s Day as a sort of “second Christmas” for all the men. This was their best time to promote gentlemanly accessories such as hats, neckties, pipes, and tobacco.

3. Nixon Signed It into Law

Father’s Day became an official holiday by law with a signature from President Nixon. The officiation took place in 1972.

celebrating fathers day

4. Neckties are Still Great Gifts

According to a few statistics, necktie’s are still the most popular gift to give your pops. Plus, what gentleman doesn’t want a nice tie to complete his business look?

5. Greeting Cards Galore

More than a whopping 87 million cards are given each year to fathers around the world. That number of cards makes Father’s Day the fourth-largest card giving holiday of the year.

fathers day 2018

To Wrap Things Up

Dads, keep up the great work. You’re an integral part of the family, and your role as a father is important.

From all the men and women here at The Carpet Guys, Happy Father’s Day!

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