Everything You Need to know about a Carpet Seam

Posted on: July 10th, 2017 by The Carpet Guys

carpet seams in doorways

After a completed carpeting installation, carpet seams are one of the most common complaints an installer receives.

Since many homeowners don’t understand carpet seaming, they may not be satisfied with the install once they find a seam. If the installer doesn’t explain what carpet seams are, that also adds fuel to the fire.

The key to avoiding problems with carpet seams is understanding what they are. Let’s break it down.

What are Carpet Seams?

When two separate pieces of carpet (or differents type of flooring) are installed in the same room, a seam is created where both pieces meet. For example, a 12 x 12 bedroom with a closet will require two different cuts for carpet. When both carpet edges meet at the closet’s entrance, the seam is formed.

The goal is to make this carpet seam as unnoticeable as possible. A knowledgeable installer will never promise you invisible seams because it’s simply not possible.

carpet seam roller

The installer should tell you about carpet seams to avoid any dissatisfaction with your install. Unseasoned carpet and flooring installers typically forget this, or simply don’t know how to handle seams, resulting in the following:

  • Failure to explain in advance where the seams will be
  • Failure to explain why a carpet seam is not guaranteed to be invisible
  • Carpet seaming is done in more obvious spots
  • Gaps are left at the end of the seams
  • Unlevel seams in the carpet
  • Wide gaps and overlaps
  • Failure to match any patterning in the carpet

The reality is that carpet seams are unavoidable. There are ways to make them almost invisible, but they will still be there. It takes a skilled craftsman to install carpeting without showing seams.

Thankfully, the new carpet installation done by installers here at The Carpet Guys pay attention to this fine detail. We can’t guarantee they will be completely invisible, but they sure will be close to it.

Get Your Carpet Installed with The Carpet Guys!

Simply slapping a piece of carpet seam tape down isn’t the way our professional installers handle things. We do everything we can to make sure your seams will be almost unnoticeable.

Why work with a different installer that may not have the right experience when you can have the best? Our carpet and flooring specialists are trained and certified to do only the best installation possible.

seaming carpet together

We’re so sure of their work, we offer a lifetime installation warranty on every project they complete. If any problem arises, we’ll fix it.

Book a free carpet installation estimate today and get the carpeting you want right away. You’ll love the way your floors look when we’re finished.

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