What’s Your New Year’s Resolution?

Posted on: December 27th, 2021 by The Carpet Guys
new years resolution

When thinking about New Years Resolutions, there is one that stands out. Home improvement. After years of working and schooling from home, health concerns, and climbing costs; having a safe, welcoming home is paramount.  The Carpet Guys want to provide the base for your home improvement New Years Resolutions.

Top 5 New Year Resolutions

keep costs low for new years resolution

When thinking of what the top five resolutions are, four of them are health-related: exercise, losing weight, eating healthily, and self-care.  It is so important to take care of ourselves and our family’s health.  If Covid has taught us anything, it’s that our health is the most important.  But the final resolution that is not health-related is to save money.  As prices are climbing to an all-time high, post-Covid, it’s important to shop for the best prices for supplies and services. 

In a chaotic world, The Carpet Guys are keeping it simple. Keeping our costs low by stocking the most preferred styles and colors of flooring in our warehouse. We purchase from American manufacturers to keep shipping costs low so no hidden costs are passed on to our customers. We provide discounts and free financing regularly.

key to success for new year resolutions

How to keep your Resolutions

There are some great tips to keeping a New Years’ resolution.

  • Make your resolution specific. Instead of “Let’s renovate the Living Room” how about “Let’s replace the flooring?”
  • Put time into planning. Don’t make choices on a whim or try to move too fast. For example, if you want to renovate a room, make sure to have a plan for the overall project when you call your flooring company. The Carpet Guys provide a free Design Consultant so make the most of their expertise while they are in your home.
  • Start with small steps. If the end result is that renovated kitchen, get your flooring replaced first. Then pick out cabinets and new appliances. Lastly, furniture and supplies. Sometimes it seems less overwhelming when proceeding in small chunks.
  • Get support when you start losing steam. In line with small steps, sometimes if you make a small stride towards the end goal, it rejeuvenates your motivation. But if it doesn’t, seek help from an outside source. If you are working towards a home improvement project, get the new flooring put in and then invite friends to see each phase of the project. It’s a real life before and after shot!

Remember, change is a process

No matter what type of New Year’s resolution, these are great tactics for success. We can all set goals, big and small, and have the joy of the outcome in the end.

Our goal is to be the best flooring installation company, and we plan on making that an even bigger reality for everyone in 2022.

We promise to work as hard as we can to make everyone’s carpet and flooring shopping experience the best. Call to set up your Free In-Home Estimate now and see how we are making our New Year’s resolutions a reality!

From our family to yours, Happy New Year!

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